We are so happy and thankful to Life IVF, Dr. Yelian and his staff for the birth of our healthy and wonderful baby boy. We went through countless disappointments before. We started trying at late 30s, but natural conception was difficult due to low ovarian reserve (AMH < 0.1). Before Life IVF, we worked with two other fertility clinics for over 3 years with many failed IVF cycles. At those clinics, they were able to draw only 2 or 3 eggs each time even with full stimulation, and very few ever got fertilized. Even those that were fertilized did not survive many days, and a couple that did survive all came back as abnormal after PGS testing. We felt it would almost not be possible to have our biological baby and even considered egg donation, but decided to give one final try to Life IVF.
Dr. Yelian and the staff were incredibly supportive and understanding, and set realistic but still very positive and hopeful expectations. There was one instance when egg retrieval was unsuccessful. We were devastated, but at that time Dr Yelian was out of country due to a personal matter, but he took our call despite time difference (in the middle of the night) and continued to advise and help us. We were able to finally have our first normal embryo after PGS testing from this cycle thanks to his help guiding his staff to try one more retrieval immediately afterwards.
Transferring the embryo proved to be another challenge for us due to complexity at cervix ; however Dr. Yelian was extremely patient and spent a lot of time getting through. He recommended a knowledgeable local OBGYN doctor who was able to identify the problem at the cervix. After her simple procedure the transfer was successful. After that, we were finally pregnant and delivered a healthy baby boy 9 months later. During the whole time, staff at Life IVF were incredibly supportive and professional, to the point I miss seeing them.
We are very thankful to each person we met during this journey including nurses, ultrasound technicians, phlebotomists, lab technicians, and the front desk staff. We cannot recommend Life IVF enough to other hopeful parents who are going through similar challenges and pains as we did. It made a world’s difference in our lives and we are very thankful. We look forward to visiting the clinic soon with our baby.
J.L., California
*Stock image used to protect patient privacy
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