Genetic Testing for Embryos
One of the greatest advancements in fertility care has been the advent of Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT). By analyzing a few cells from a developing embryo, we’re able to help patients determine which ones are more likely to result in healthy pregnancies.
An Overview of PGT-A
PGT-A is a method to test the number of chromosomes in embryos to determine the best ones for transfer. Embryos with normal chromosomes number, which are called “euploid”, are much more likely to be achieve pregnancy.
How PGT-A Works
Our highly experienced embryologists will carefully take a small sample of 4-8 cells (called a biopsy) from the embryo, freeze the embryo, then package and ship the biopsy to a special laboratory for testing.
Why PGT-A is Useful
PGT-A can significantly improves pregnancy rates by helping us distinguish normal embryos from abnormal ones. Unfortunately, genetically abnormal (aneuploid) embryos have a very low chance of resulting in a successful pregnancy.
Risks and Limitations
Embryos should be cultured to Day 5 (blastocyst) stage for biopsy; not all embryos can reach Day 5 stage. Additionally, no test is 100% accurate or predictive; there is a small risk of testing inaccuracies.
PGT-A testing increases pregnancy rate by identifying genetic abnormalities with embryos
PGT-M: Testing for Inherited Conditions
For patients who may carry genes for known genetic diseases or cancers, the possibility of passing on harmful genes is a serious concern. Thanks to a breakthrough technology known as PGT-M, we are able to test an embryo before transfer for specific, known genetic disorders.
Family Balancing
Family Balancing or Gender Selection is the scientific approach to selecting the sex of offspring. In addition to detecting certain chromosomal issues, PGT-A Testing also identifies the sex of each embryo tested.
Gender selection success rates with the IVF/PGT-A method are very high but never perfect – around 98%. This is recommended for those with strong preferences regarding their child’s sex.
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